
Training and Support for New Volunteers

The Chaldean Australian Society has received a grant under 2019 Fairfield ClubGRANTS Program funded by Club Marconi to run a project “Training and Support for New Volunteers”. This project is about providing a workplace, training and support for new volunteers who are interested in the area of community and settlement services from the Chaldean and local community in Fairfield city area to get the skills, knowledge and experience in this field and to increase their chances to be “Job Ready”.

CAS Committee Members with Club Marconi Directors - 2019 Fairfield ClubGRANTS Presentation Ceremony
CAS Committee Members with Club Marconi Directors – 2019 Fairfield ClubGRANTS Presentation Ceremony

Preparation to Become an Australian Citizen

The Chaldean Australian Society is pleased to announce its new project “Preparation to Become an Australian Citizen”. This project aims to help Chaldeans and local Fairfield residents who are about to become Australian citizens and have difficulties to prepare for the Australian Citizenship test due to lack of their English language, literacy, or understanding the information mentioned in the “Australian citizenship resource book”.
This project is funded by Department of Home Affairs under Fostering Integration Grants

Time: Every Saturday from 10 am – 2 pm
Dates: From 6th July 2019 to 7th Sept 2019
Place: Spencer Street Office Community First Step
1-11 Spencer Street, Fairfield NSW 2165

If you are interested and want to participate in this course, please register your name with our society.

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Getting to Know Your City – Fairfield

The Chaldean Australian Society has received a grant under 2018 Fairfield ClubGRANTS Program funded by Club Marconi to run a project “Getting to Know Your City – Fairfield”.
This project helps new migrants from Chaldean/local community living in Fairfield city area to know more about their city including its recreation and leisure activities/facilities, sport and centre-based activities, and programs/activities provided by community organisations.

Advocacy for Refugees Who are at Risk of Being Homeless

The Chaldean Australian Society has received a grant under 2018 Fairfield ClubGRANTS Program funded by Club Marconi to run a project “Advocacy for Refugees Who are at Risk of Being Homeless”.
This project provides advocacy services to refugees from Chaldean and local community who are at risk of being homeless to be able to access safe and secure housing.

Support for Refugees and Migrants

The Chaldean Australian Society has received a grant from Multicultural NSW under 2016/2017 Multicultural NSW Grants Program – Support. This grant is to contribute towards “Support for Refugees and Migrants” project. We have received a letter from The Hon Ray Williams MP, Minster for Multiculturalism, congratulating us for being awarded the grant.
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Preparation for the Australian Citizenship Test

This project (course) will help the Chaldeans and local Fairfield residents who are about to undertake the Australian citizenship test. This project is funded by Smithfield RSL Club within 2015 Fairfield  ClubGRANTS.

Time: Every Saturday from 10 am – 2 pm
Dates: From 6th February 2016 to 16th April 2016
Meeting Room 5, 1st Floor
Fairfield Community Services Centre
25 Barbara Street, Fairfield NSW 2165

If you are interested and want to participate in this course, please register your name with our society.
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Information Sessions and Support for the Chaldean Community

This project is to support the Chaldean Community particularly new arrivals in settlement issues and to integrate with the Australian society. This involves information sessions and support for individuals, families, and groups.
This activity starts on 20th February 2015 and holds every Friday from 10 am to 1 pm at Meeting Room, Fairfield Community Services Centre, 25 Barbara St, Fairfield NSW 2165. Dr Emad Arabo, Secretary and Administration Coordinator, runs these sessions with the aid of other committee members and the volunteers.
This project is a partnership with Fairfield Migrant Resource Centre.

Information Sessions and Support for the Chaldean Community


Support and Facilitating a Play Show

Feb 2015 – The Chaldean Australian society contributes in facilitating the play show “Attention….The Train is Coming”. The writer and director of this play is Dr Muwafaq Sawa and will be performed by “Sawa Theatre Group” on Sunday 24th May 2015 at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre (1 Powerhouse Road, Casula NSW 2170). Rehearsals of this show are held at Canley Heights Community Centre (Rumbriah Hall). This comes in the context of the support provided by the Chaldean Australian society to encourage the artistic and community work.


مشروع دعم اللاجئين والمهاجرين

تلقينا منحة من تعددية الثقافات Multicultural NSW في إطار برامج المنح 2016/2017. هذه المنحة لغرض القيام بمشروع “دعم اللاجئين والمهاجرين”. لقد استلمنا رسالة من معالي وزير تعددية الثقافات السيد ري وليمز مهنئا على هذه المنحة.

دورة حول التحضير لاختبار الجنسية الاسترالية

تعلن الجمعية الكلدانية الاسترالية عن اقامة دورة حول “التحضير لاختبار الجنسية الاسترالية“. تهدف هذه الدورة الى مساعدة افراد المجتمع الكلداني والمحلي الذين على وشك القيام بالاختبار للحصول على الجنسية الاسترالية.

.2015 Fairfield ClubGRANTS وضمن Smithfield RSL Club هذه الدورة برعاية

الوقت: كل سبت من الساعة العاشرة صباحاً الى الثانية ظهراً
التاريخ: من 6 شباط 2016 الى 16 نيسان 2016
Meeting Room 5, 1st Floor
Fairfield Community Services Centre
25 Barbara Street, Fairfield NSW 2165

.لذلك نرجو من الاشخاص الذين يرغبون بالمشاركة في هذه الدورة تسجيل اسمائهم لدى الجمعية

جلسات معلومات ودعم للمجتمع الكلداني

هذا المشروع هو دعم للمجتمع الكلداني (لا سيما الواصلين الجدد) في قضايا الاستيطان والاندماج مع المجتمع الأسترالي. هذا المشروع يشمل على جلسات معلومات ودعم للأفراد والأسر والمجموعات.
يبدأ هذا النشاط في 20 شباط 2015 ويقام كل يوم جمعة منذ 10 صباحاً حتى 1 ظهراً  في غرفة الاجتماعات في مركز فيرفيلد لخدمات المجتمع، (
Barbara St 25, Fairfield NSW 2165). يدير هذه الجلسات الدكتور عماد عربو، سكرتير الهيئة الادارية والمنسق الاداري، بمساعدة من أعضاء الهيئة الادارية الآخرين والمتطوعين.
يقام هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع مركز فيرفيلد لموارد المهاجرين.

دعم وتسهيل عرض مسرحية

شباط 2015 – تساهم الجمعية الكلدانية الأسترالية في تسهيل عرض مسرحية “انتبهوا …. القطار قادم”. هذه المسرحية من تأليف وإخراج د.موفق ساوا وسوف تؤدى من قبل “فرقة مسرح ساوا” في  يوم الاحد الموافق 24 ايار 2015 على مسرح  Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre على العنوان (1 Powerhouse Road, Casula NSW 2170). تقام البروفات لهذا العرض في (Canley Heights Community Centre (Rumbriah Hall.هذا يأتي في إطار الدعم المقدم من قبل الجمعية الكلدانية الأسترالية لتشجيع العمل الفني والمجتمعي.